Children’s Woodland Adventures originated in a conversation with Kris Radford-Rea (the Head Teacher at Edenham Church of England School) about how to get the best out of the beautiful surroundings around Edenham School. Edenham is located two miles away from Grimsthorpe Estate, where we were managing the local pre-school developing wraparound care and holiday clubs for the school and other local schools, based at the nursery. It became clear that we needed to utilise the Estate, the school’s conservation area as well as the local villages.
Forest School (after much research!) seemed the most logical and exciting way of using the space. Not only do children get the experience to learn new skills in an exciting and dynamic way, we can develop the activities to become part of new curriculum requirements.
The project has been a huge success and feedback from teachers, children and parents has been extremely positive. Children’s Woodland Adventures now provides Forest School opportunities for many schools in Lincolnshire.
Pedwardine Outdoor Adventures has also been created, using woodland on the farmland around the small village of Burton Pedwardine near Sleaford. We have created a space for groups to visit for Forest School sessions in a safe environment. Additional education modules are being developed at Burton Pedwardine in preparation for April 2014.
We look forward to hearing from you and we would be more than happy to come and visit your school to discuss developing your own individual programme.
Forest School encourages child-led learning and planning through self-initiated play. Children’s Woodland Adventures develop self-confidence,
communication, social interaction and speaking and listening skills which in turn help develop self-esteem. Through the range of activities we hope to develop concentration and creative thinking skills whilst encouraging an empathy with nature.
The activities Forest School offers improve gross and fine motor skills, encourage independence and assess awareness of risk taking, as well as improving a child’s knowledge of the natural environment. Activities can be linked with the curriculum or Individual Learning Plans where necessary.
At Children’s Woodland Adventures we believe in;
Significantly the woodland environment is central in supporting this
dynamic approach to learning. Through the changing of the seasons,
children experiencing the great outdoors are mentally, emotionally
and physically challenged.
Forest School sets learning in a different context for children – where they can undertake a range of practical activities using small achievable tasks.
At Forest School, children can develop their team working skills and also learn to become more independent. Those who are unfamiliar with
woodlands and green spaces can become confident in using them and this can form the basis of a life-long relationship with natural spaces.
At Forest School children are physically active a lot of the time and their stamina improves as they go through their Forest School sessions. Their experience can also help to lead to the development of healthier lifestyles, as children ask parents to take them on trips to woodlands and green spaces outside of school times. As the children gain confidence and improve their self-esteem this can impact on their emotional and mental well-being.
The ‘wild’, and yet controlled, safe environment of Forest School ensures that children taking part naturally learn to assess risk and are encouraged to make sensible and informed decisions about how to deal with unfamiliar and unpredictable situations (such as exploring or climbing trees, using tools to build shelters and dens).
Much of the learning for a child comes as a result of the opportunities they have for testing their own abilities in a real life context.
Forest School helps children to develop their confidence. As they become familiar with Forest School they can take their new-found confidence into school and other areas of their lives.
Forest School can be particularly effective for children who do not thrive in the traditional classroom environment. Children learn to solve problems and be creative and imaginative at Forest School, enabling enterprising behaviour.
The Forest School approach to learning in the outdoors is rooted firmly in the key progressive education theorists of the past one hundred and fifty years – from Froebel to Steiner. All of these theorists put the child at the centre of their own learning and all refer to the importance of children being allowed to explore the world with appropriate support. Interestingly, many were themselves significantly influenced by the great outdoors. Forest School encourages children to explore their own innate learning in the richest classroom we have – the outdoors.
Forest School sessions last 2 hours. The traditional method is for groups to participate in six sessions over the course of six weeks. This allows time for skills to develop and expand.
Half-termly and yearly sessions are also available. We also offer Forest School Experiences which can last just one morning or afternoon. Sessions can be created for all age groups and can be run alongside the latest curriculum.
For more information on specific costs, or if you have any other questions please contact us.
Glebe Farm,
Burton Pedwardine,
NG34 0BX